Open Access Week - The Cracow University of Technology Library


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Open Access Week


12th Open Science Week
25-31 October 2021

“It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”

The theme for this year's Open Access Week is tied to UNESCO's recommendations, a landmark step toward establishing global goals, foundations and standards for open science. According to UNESCO guidelines, Open Science should embrace the diversity of knowledge, practices, methods, languages, topics and research results, responding to the needs of the entire scientific community, as well as people from outside the academy. This year's theme will provide an opportunity to discuss openness as a tool for building more equitable systems of knowledge exchange.

Open Access Week is a global and community event - anyone can join in by hosting a meeting, seminar, workshop or webinar. More information, including graphic materials promoting the Open Access Week, can be found on

Source: Otwarta Nauka.

On the occasion of the Open Access Week, we invite you to get acquainted with information materials concerning open science and open publishing:

We invite you to browse open digital resources: