Registration - The Cracow University of Technology Library


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Who can register at the Library and what documents are required?

  • CUT students: an identity card and a valid CUT student ID card (ELS);
  • CUT postgraduate students: an identity card and certificate from the dean's office, Library card (to be purchased at the CUT Lending Room - cost 10 PLN);
  • Socrates/Erasmus students will need to present their student ID card valid for the academic semester and a confirmation issued by appropriate dean's office;
  • Students of other public Cracow universities: an identity card, a valid student ID card ELS, (in the case of the lack of a barcode on card, user must purchase a library card for 10 PLN at the Lending Room);
  • Students of other private Cracow universities: an identity card, a valid student ID card ELS, (in the case of the lack of a barcode on card, user must purchase a library card for 10 PLN at the Lending Room);
  • CUT PhD students: an identity card, a vaild student's record book and CUT doctoral electronic card ELD, (in the case of the lack of these documents, user must purchase a library card for 10 PLN at the Lending Room);
  • PhD students of other public Cracow universities: an identity card, a vaild doctoral electronic card ELD;
  • PhD students of other private Cracow universities: an identity card, a vaild doctoral electronic card ELD;
  • CUT staff will need to present the employment certificate, the CUT ID Card and an identity card;
  • Employees of other public Cracow universities: the employment certificate, an identity card, the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room;
  • Employees of other private Cracow universities: the employment certificate, an identity card, the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room;
  • Employees of other Cracow scientific institutions: the employment certificate, an identity card, the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room;
  • CUT alumnus will need to present a valid ID card of the CUT Alumni Association, an identity card and the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room;
  • CUT pensioners: an identity card, the social insurance ID, the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room;
  • Other users (aged 18 and older) will need to present their identity card and the CUT library card purchased for 10 PLN at the Lending Room.

There is a one-time registration to the library for the study period. However, a renewal of user library account is required each year.

Where can I register at the Library?

You can register at the library at one of the Library Lending Rooms:

  • the main Library building, 24 Warszawska St.
  • the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Library (BWM), 37 Jana Pawła II Av.

Where can I get a library card?

Library cards can be obtained at the Library Lending Room, 24 Warszawska St. - for 10 PLN.

What to do if I lost my library card / electronic student ID (ELS)?

If you lose your library card or electronic student ID (ELS) please report the loss as soon as possible at any Library Lending Rooms to block your library account.