Utility models - The Cracow University of Technology Library


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Utility models


A utility model is a solution of a technical nature, it provides protection of so-called “minor inventions” through a system similar to the patent system.

A utility model shall be considered as a useful solution, if it allows you to achieve the goal that has practical importance for the production or use of products.
The protective right for a utility model is a right granted by the Patent Office by way of a conditional decision (provided that the fee for the first period of protection has been paid) to the entity entitled to obtain a right of protection.

The utility model right entails the exclusive right to commercial use of the invention, including manufacturing and marketing.
An owner of a utility model obtains the exclusive right to prevent or stop others from commercially exploiting the utility model for a limited period. The right can be enforced only within the country in which a utility model is granted.

The protection right for a utility model, like a patent, is exhausted.

The duration of the protection is 10 years from the calendar year in which the right came into existence.

The utility models protective rights are subject to entry in the Register of Utility Models.

The protective right is subject to succession. The transfer is binding on third parties as of the date of its entry in the Register of Utility Models.


Recommended link:
WIPO - Utility models (new window)