Preparing to leave the CUT university - The Cracow University of Technology Library


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Preparing to leave the CUT university


What should I do with my library account after graduation?

Each CUT student after graduation or discontinuation of study will need to clean up the contents of his/her library account (you will need to stamp the Student Leaving Form (LEAVER’S CHECKLIST) - "Karta Odejścia").

What should I do to get a stamp on the Student Leaving Form (LEAVER’S CHECKLIST)?

Please return all borrowed items to the Library and pay any overdue account charges.

Where can I get a stamp?

You can stamp the Student Leaving Form (LEAVER’S CHECKLIST) ("Karta Odejścia") at any Lending Room:

  • the main Library building, 24 Warszawska St.
  • the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Library (BWM), 37 Jana Pawła II Av.